Welker 实验室采用光伏电池(PV)供电

对于任何科学设备的远程部署而言,供电问题都是一个挑战,但阿拉斯加安克雷奇大学的Jeff Welker小组克服了这个挑战。作为NSF极地项目分部的北极观测网EAGER基金(“高风险高收益”)的一部分,Jeff Welker研究小组将一台Picarro L2130-i部署到了Toolik野外观测站,该观测站位于阿拉斯加北部的偏远地区(北纬 68°38′,西经149°36′),距离北冰洋以南约185 千米的Brooks山脉的北麓,海拔约760 米(图 1)。

June 8, 2015


I just returned from a week-long trip to Dubai where I was fortunate to participate in and help lead an International Atomic Energy Agency Regional Training Course on “Separating evapotranspiration (ET) into evaporation (E) and transpiration (T) using isotopic and conventional techniques”. The five day technical course gathered about 15 scientists from across the Middle East region to learn about the importance of understand water use efficiency in agriculture, and in particular how to use stable isotopes of water to partition water loss from crops into “good” water loss (transpiration) and “bad” water loss (evaporation).

November 12, 2014

Are you concerned with the Adulteration of Honey?

Are you aware that more and more honey suppliers and distributors are using stable isotopes to certify their products are free from adulteration? In addition, Customs and Border Protection agencies around the world regularly test for adulteration in imported honey products. Your customers will soon demand this information from you, or they will be forced to choose other suppliers.

November 7, 2014

Crowd-sourced isotope study of Superstorm Sandy

By Guest Bloggers Stephen Good and Gabe Bowen : Well, we’re approaching the two-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, and we figured it would be a good time to reminisce about that intensive sample storm that swirled through our Utah lab after the floodwaters of Sandy subsided in New Jersey…

September 15, 2014

Goldschmidt 2014 and ASITA keep us busy for the month of June!

In early June we made the short trip from Picarro’s Headquarters in Silicon Valley to Sacramento and Davis for Goldschmidt 2014 and ASITA. Although pretty different conferences, we had a great time at both and had some excellent conversations with globally-recognized isotope geochemists, newcomers to the field, avid Picarro users and those just getting into the game.

July 22, 2014

Highlights from EGU 2014

We had a great time at EGU 2014 in Vienna, Austria! We enjoyed meeting everyone and learning more about the great research taking place across water, air and soil applications. We were excited to see the interest in our demos and look forward to sharing our analyzers in action at future events. Our Tech Talk turnout was amazing and we hope you enjoyed the poster sessions featuring Picarro instruments.

May 8, 2014

Valerie Morris, Bruce Vaughn 和INSTAAR 稳定同位素实验室团队

It's time for a celebration at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) Stable Isotope Lab (SIL). Valerie Morris, Bruce Vaughn and the SIL team have reached the top of the WAIS Divide Ice Core! Using a custom-built continuous flow melt system coupled to a Picarro L2130-i, the SIL team has completed stable isotope analysis of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide 06 A core. This is the first top-to-bottom continuous ultra-high resolution isotopic record from a polar ice core.

April 18, 2014

USGS/CUAHSI Virtual Workshop on Laser Spectroscopy

The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI), in partnership with USGS, recently hosted a Virtual Workshop on Laser Specs for Field Hydrology and Biogeochemistry: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects . I was invited to present on Picarro and Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy as applied to hydrology and biogeosciences, and you can watch the webinar here...

March 17, 2014

Highlights from the 2013 ASA, CSSA & SSSA Meetings in Tampa FL

November kicked off with the Soil, Crop and Agriculture Science Societies annual meetings, held this year in Tampa, FL, November 3-6. For those who were not able to attend, the focus of the meetings was Water, Food, Energy and Innovation for a Sustainable World. Six topical themes were covered: Sensing Innovation, Climate Change, the Food-Water-Soil Nexus, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Improved Nutrient Management, and Energy, Soils, and Crops.

November 20, 2013

Eosense brings membrane technology to simplify soil gas efflux measurements

Did you know that soils produce 10 times more CO 2 than all fossil fuel combustion? Surprisingly, it is true. Soil respiration produced 119.6 GigaTons of carbon per year during the 1990s, which far out paces the 6.4 GigaTons of carbon produced annually by the burning of fossil fuels in the same period ( IPCC, 4 th assessment, WG I, 2007, Figure 7.3 ).

October 31, 2013

A trip to Paris is never a bad thing...

A trip to Paris is never a bad thing, especially when the excuse is a gathering of about 50 of the top atmospheric scientists from around the world who are using water vapor isotopes. Last week, scientists from Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement (LSCE) hosted an intimate workshop on “Advances In Observations, Models And Measurement Techniques Of Atmospheric Water Vapor Isotopes” at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Gif-sur-Yvette.

October 24, 2013

Methane Emissions Estimate from Airborne Measurements in Uintah Basin

A critical gap in determining the climate impact of the recent increase in US natural gas production is the lack of accurate and reliable estimates of associated emissions. In particular, the methodology used to account for fugitive methane (CH4) emissions during production is in question.

August 20, 2013

ClimateWire 3-Part Series on Natural Gas

Stephanie Paige Ogburn of ClimateWire has written an in-depth 3-part series on natural gas that makes a compelling case for accurately measuring leaks from production to delivery.

August 2, 2013

Tests of the Picarro G5101-i Analyzer (Professor Rich Farrell)

In the first post of this series , I noted that Gloria Jacobson, Picarro product manager for greenhouse gas analyzers, had been discussing Picarro G5101- i analyzer test results with several scientists, and would provide more detailed information in a series of posts.

August 2, 2013

The Chile Water Vapor Isotope Diary (Part 1)

By Professor Joe Galewsky - San Pedro de Atacama, June 15th 2013 It’s been raining here in Chile’s Atacama Desert and snowing up on the nearby Chajnantor Plateau, a very rare event in this usually dry part of the world!

July 25, 2013

Field Tests of the Picarro G5101-i Analyzer

Gloria Jacobson, Picarro product manager for greenhouse gas analyzers, has been very busy lately. As the picture shows, she has been testing products in nearby marsh lands. In addition, she has discussed field tests with independent scientists, and attended several conferences in the U.S. and China. Over the next few weeks, she will be sharing her insights through a series of blog posts.

July 16, 2013